PecanValley3on3Join in on a fun day of Basketball and support YOUR local chapter of the American Red Cross at the 1st Annual 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament.  All funds will benefit the local chapter and will help provide food, shelter and clothing to disaster victims, assistance for the military as well as teach lifesaving skills such as CPR/First Aid, Life-guarding and Water Safety.

This event will be held Saturday, February 6, 2010 at the Brownwood High School Warren Gym & Old Gym.  Teams of 4 to play, the entry fee is $100 entry fee per team and each team will play 2 games.

*Each team will play two 15 minute half-court games, with 1 point goals and no refs. The finals will be held the evening of the 6th and trophies will be awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

*Teams may be all male/all female or a mix of the two.

*All Team members must be 18 years of age or older to play

*Each team member must fill out and sign the form (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD) and turn it in with the entry fee of $100 to the Red Cross office at 600 E. Adams, not later than January 22, 2010.

Don’t play basketball? Support the cause by sponsoring the event!  The cost to sponsor the event will be $100.

Sponsors receive:

*Logo in Event Program

*Logo on the Event T-Shirt

*Mention in all Advertising/PR for the Event