ACSRelay4LifeBrown County Relay for Life will officially kick-off at 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM on Saturday, March 2nd at the Wal-Green’s parking lot, and the public is invited to help teams begin their fundraising for this year’s event.

The Brown County Relay for Life organizers recently announced the theme for this year’s relay is “7-7-7 Don’t Gamble with Cancer.” The relay is set for June 7 from 7pm-7am at Gordon Wood Stadium in Brownwood.

The fundraising goal for Brown County Relay for Life 2013 is $80,000 and everyone is invited to participate and attend the relay and the fundraising kick off on Saturday.  Those looking to sign up for this year’s relay can visit the Brown County Relay For Life website or call event chair Tammy Robinson at 325-642-1319.

The American Cancer Society West Texas Region recently shared the reason why people gather for these relays each year on their facebook status, “Every year, the Relay For Life movement raises more than $400 million. The American Cancer Society puts these donations to work, investing in groundbreaking research in every type of cancer and providing free information and services to cancer patients and their caregivers. We’re fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer, in your community and everyone else’s.”

The West Texas Region of the American Cancer Society is made up of 105 counties (including Brown County), 60 Relays, and 1000+ volunteers make up the West Texas Region of the American Cancer Society.

Local teams planning other Relay for Life fundraisers may email Lisa@BrownwoodNews to have your event added to future Relay For Life articles and the BrownwoodNews community calendar.