AgriLifeExtensionThe 2012 Census of Agriculture forms will be mailed to over 3 million U.S. Agricultural producers during the last week of December. In Texas, about 375,000 Census forms are being mailed out. The mailings include all known farmers, ranchers, and agricultural producers, plus a large number of potential agricultural producers.

You may receive phone calls or inquiries from area residents wanting to know what the Census is all about. Please take a few minutes to review these responses to the most commonly asked questions. A few words of encouragement and reassurance from you can help us achieve the best possible Census response for Texas.

What is the Census of Agriculture?

The first Census of Agriculture was conducted in 1840, and is now conducted every five years. The Census is a complete count of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them. The Census looks at land use and tenure, operator characteristics, production practices and economic information. The Census serves a very important “voice” for America’s farmers and ranchers.

Why is the Census of Agriculture important?

The Census provides the only source of uniform, comprehensive and impartial agricultural data for every county in the nation. Through the Census, producers will show the value and importance of agriculture in their county and can help influence decisions that will shape the future of American agriculture. By responding to the Census, producers are helping themselves and their communities.

Who uses the Census of Agriculture data?

Census data are used by all who serve farmers and rural communities: university research and extension, state, and local officials, agribusinesses, farm organizations, commodity groups, and many others.

– Companies and cooperatives use the facts and figures to determine future locations of       facilities that will serve agricultural producers.

– Community planners use the information to target needed services to rural residents.

– Legislators use Census statistics when shaping farm policies and programs.

– Producers use the information in making plans for their future operations.

Other uses of Census information:

– Used to allocate block grant dollars to states

– Used to allocate funds for beginning farmer, conservation and other programs

– Used to help identify research priorities and to allocate funds accordingly

– Used in rural economic development like broadband Internet expansion

I’m retired or I’ve never farmed, do I need to return the Census form? Yes.

Everyone who receives a Census form is required to return the Census form, even if they no longer farm or have never been involved in agriculture. A simple note of explanation on the front page will suffice. Please note: retired operators who own land enrolled in CRP or WRP are counted as farms and should complete the Census form.

I only have a small operation, do I count? Yes

It only takes $1000 worth of agricultural production to be counted as a farm. A few cows, several goats, laying hens or local egg sales, some hay production – it doesn’t take much to be a farm. Everyone should complete and return their Census form.

What is a farm?

The Census of Agriculture defines a farm as any place that produced and sold, or normally would have sold, $1000 or more of agricultural products during the Census year (2012).

Other key points:

– The Census of Agriculture has mandatory reporting authority, just like the population Census. This is due to the large amount of funds and other resources targeted and allocated based on Census results. Census data is very important.

– Individual information is guaranteed complete confidentiality by federal law, Title 7 of the U.S. code. Title 7 prevents NASS from sharing individual information with any other government agency and also gives NASS immunity from any type of mandatory disclosure of individual data, including legal processes and FOIA.

The Census has an initial due date of February 4th, printed on the front, and producers will receive post card reminders in mid-January. As always, if you have questions or need additional information, please call the USDA office in Austin, Texas at (800) 626-3142.