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With the close of the 2010-2011 school year fast approaching, area high schools are preparing for commencement and honoring their top graduates.

Early High School graduation is set for Saturday, May 28th at 6pm in the Brownwood Coliseum.  Baccalaureate will be held Sunday, May 29 at 8 pm at Early First Baptist Church.

The top graduates from Early High School this year are Sarah Davis as valedictorian and Jayden Stewart as salutatorian.

Sarah Davis is the daughter of Matt and Sally Davis.  She plans to study English at Tarleton State University in Stephenville.  Sarah is active at EHS with participation in one act plays, the Key Club, and tennis.

Salutatorian Jayden Stewart is the son of Carey and Kim Stewart.  He also plans to attend Tarleton State University seeking a degree in engineering and physics.  He is a member of the National Honor Society and the Early student council.