2017 Stars of Texas Juried Art Exhibit Award Winners
Written by Amanda Coers – The 19th annual Stars of Texas Juried Art Exhibit opened Saturday night with a reception and awards ceremony showcasing artistic works from across Texas.
This year’s exhibit features 133 works of art from 87 artists that were selected by juror Ben Sum of San Angelo out of 353 entries. Over 140 artists submitted entires for the exhibit, from 44 different cities around the State of Texas.
Awards and cash prizes totaling $6,000 were given to 15 artists in a variety of categories. This year’s $1000 Dorothy Mays Best of Show Award was given to Tulsa Billingslea, of Kingsland, for her mixed media piece entitled, “A Bird in Hand.”

Tulisa Billingslea with her award winning mixed media piece, entitled “A Bird in Hand”
Juror Ben Sum remarked on the piece, saying “The artist pushed the limit to achieve a very powerful composition. Energetic mark making creates an exciting surface. Reads as a realistic image from a distance and dissolves into abstract shapes up close.”
Billingslea has been creating art for most of her life, majoring in sculpture, and later discovering oil painting. She also stated she enjoys working with charcoal and now works to incorporate both extremely different media in her work.
“Charcoal absorbs the oil, but I love the matte of the charcoal and the sheen of the oil. I love that it is a problem in trying to make it work,” said Billingslea.
“This piece is about trust,” said Billingslea of her award winning composition Saturday evening. “I think that’s something people are trying to resolve right now. And I think it’s something most people need to figure out: what do they trust, who do they trust.”
Billingslea explained the piece portrayed a blue jay she had found. The bird was stunned, and as she held it in her hand it was very afraid, not understanding it was indeed safe in her hand.
More of her work can be seen at galleriesatpecancreek.com/tulisa-billingslea
Art lovers of all ages may view the Stars of Texas Juried Art Exhibit February 5-17 at the Depot Civic and Cultural Center located at 600 E. Depot in Brownwood. Show hours are Monday-Friday from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, Saturday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm and Sunday from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Demonstrations will also take place each day during exhibit hours from a variety of artists. There is no charge to enter the exhibit or attend the demonstrations.
Artwork that did not make the Stars of Texas Art Exhibit will be featured in the Salon des Refuses at the Brownwood Art Association Art Center, located at 215 Fisk Street during the above hours.
The Stars of Texas will hold a paint-off competition on Saturday, February 17 at 9:30 am at the Depot Civic and Cultural Center.
Other awards given Saturday include the following:
- $750 Texas State Optical Juror Award: “Measuring Mama,” oil painting, by Jill Maxwell of Abilene
- $500 Don C. Martin Memorial Watercolor Award: “On the Rocks,” by Robert Cook, of Granbury
- $500 Empire Iron Works Sculpture Award: “Obstacles to Finding Balance,” by Elise Techentine, of Granbury
- $500 KOHLER Award: “Glory to God,” acrylic painting, by Mario Perez, of Brownwood
- $500 Charles and Kay Beth Stavley Merit Award: “Abstract 230,” oil painting by Patty Rae Wellborn, of Abilene
- $500 Brownwood Art Association Photo Group Photography Award: “London,” by Britt Stokes, of Fort Worth
- $500 Mary and Ernest Cadenhead Pastel Award: “Moving On,” by Kit Timmins, of Brownwood
- $500 Porter Insurance Oil Medium Award: “Flamingo” by Walker Wellborn, of Abilene
- $100 Honorable Mention Award – #1: “Father” 3D ceramic sculpture by Kara Donatelli, of Lubbock
- $100 Honorable Mention Award – #2: “Repete” mixed media, by Scott Sustek, of San Angelo
- $100 Honorable Mention Award -#3: “Sand Dune Shadows” oil painting by Turner Vinson, of Abilene
- $100 Honorable Mention Award -#4: “Graffiti” digital photography by Blu Dornan, of Stephenville
- $100 Honorable Mention Award -#5: “Mysterious Entrance” digital photography by Randy Hall, of San Angelo