Written by Jenny Silverstone – With the breastfeeding movement gathering steam, it’s easier than ever to find all the information you need to breastfeed your baby successfully. Much of the information circulating isn’t just about the how-to aspects of breastfeeding though — it also addresses the question of why women should breastfeed.
The website, MomLovesBest.com, recently put out an infographic and article that showcases 111 benefits of breastfeeding. The article attempts to educate people as to why breastfeeding is so important. Many of the well-known health benefits made the list, as well as many of the lesser known benefits for the health of both the mother and baby.
But all the perks of breastfeeding didn’t just focus on health — community and societal improvements were also some of the benefits listed. More moms breastfeeding will lead to less air pollution and landfill crowding, as well as lower medical expenses across the board.
Employers may want to take notice of one of the benefits of breastfeeding. Their workers, both moms, and dads will have fewer sick days if their babies are nursed instead of formula fed. More time being breastfed cuts down on illnesses for infants, and parents won’t have to call in sick to take care of their ill children.
These benefits cited in the article are supported by well-constructed and executed scientific studies that were painstakingly researched and compiled.
Knowledge is power, and moms aren’t the only ones who need to be educated on the matter. Communities need to be made aware of the issue and realize that breastfeeding is one simple step that can improve the health of every resident — either directly or indirectly.
To read more, visit: momlovesbest.com/feeding/benefits-of-breastfeeding