fitbyfaithlogo1.  The scale is not the best indicator of weight loss.  Your clothes are a much better indicator of whether or not your diet and exercise plan is working.  The scale can, and will, be affected by a multitude of factors including hormones, sleep, after consumption and salt intake.  Weigh in no more than once a month or even longer.

2.  All sugar is detrimental to weight loss!  It does not matter if the sugar in your diet comes from fruit, honey or plain white sugar.  All sugar sources are processed similarly by your body and too much sugar is a leading reason why weight loss plans fail.  So limit all sugar, even if it is a natural sugar like honey.

3.  Healthy foods are not always weight loss foods.  There is a difference between foods that are good for you and foods that are good for weight loss.  In order to make sure that your healthy food is not thickening your waistline, be sure to check out the calories and the “suggested serving size.”  Examples of healthy foods that can be fattening if you eat too much of them include avocados, whole grains, fruit juice, peanut butter and almonds.

4.  Some vegetables can slow weight loss.   Sadly, not all vegetables are created equal.  While all vegetables are good for you, not all of them are low in calories.  There are a few starchy vegetables to watch out for as they are much more calorie dense than their non-starchy cousins.  So, when you are trying to lose weight, be sure to limit your portions of starchy vegetables such as corn (132 calories per cup), peas (134 calories per cup), and potatoes (135 calories for one medium baked potato).  You do not need to give these nutritious delicacies; just be sure to keep an eye on portion size.

5.  Low-sugar fruits are better for weight loss.   Just like vegetables, some fruits are much higher in calories than others.  When trying to lose weight, it is best to limit high-sugar fruits and instead choose low-sugar varieties.  Some lower sugar fruits include berries, melon, peaches, plums and kiwis.  Some examples of higher sugar fruits include bananas, grapes, dried fruit, mangos and fruit juice.  (I would much rather eat my calories than drink them so I avoid all calorie filled drinks, especially fruit juice unless it is freshly juiced right from the fruit.)

6.  There is more to a diet than just calories.  Just counting calories is not always enough to ensure steady weight loss.  You have to be sure that your calories are coming from the right sources.  If you eat too many carbs and not enough protein or fat, your weight loss plan is sure to fail.  So when you are planning your food for the day, be sure to choose foods that are balanced in protein, carbs and fat.  For example, if you ate a bowl of raisin bran with banana and 1/2 cup of skim milk, although it sounds healthy, it is very unbalanced.  There is too much sugar and no fat.  So whoever eats this meal will most likely be very hungry after an hour or so.  To change it, replace the banana with a boiled egg.  Will make a big difference!

7.  Eat all day long.   Always wonder how those super thin people who seem to eat constantly do not gain weight?  They have a high functioning metabolism by constantly fueling it.  Eating small meals throughout the day is the best way to lose weight.  By eating in this fashion, your blood sugar stays on an even keel, resulting in fewer hunger pangs and likely, fewer binges.  Your body will also do better by getting a constant stream of fuel as opposed to three large meals per day.  Since these mini-meals can be time consuming to prepare, you can simply break your meals into 2 servings.  For example, eat half your sandwich at noon and the other half around 2pm.  Works amazingly especially when many people say they begin feeling tired and hungry late afternoon.

8.  Alcohol can ruin your diet in two ways.   Most diets recommend limiting alcoholic beverages because these drinks are full of empty calories; however, that is not the only reason.  Alcohol is full of calories, but it also will lower your blood sugar, causing cravings and hunger, while decreasing your inhibitions.  Limit yourself to 2 drinks per week and if you do choose to drink, keep your eating very clean.

9.  Limit fruit to 2 servings when trying to lose weight.   Some feel bad if they are not eating enough fruit in their diet.  The same nutrients that you can get from your fruit can be found in vegetables, with fewer calories and fewer carbs.  If you are a fan of fruit, you can surely indulge, but limit it to 2 servings per day as more can actually be fattening.

10.  Don’t eat back your exercise calories.  This is a hard concept to explain, but basically, don’t eat more just because you exercised more.  Although I burn on average about 10,000 calories a week, when I eat out more than 2X, I gain 3-5lbs in one week.   Many times people exercise so they can eat more, but it doesn’t work that way.  If you have worked out harder than usual and are truly feeling hungrier, then have an extra healthy snack, but don’t for a high calorie bagel, muffin, donut or the drive-thru!  You will be defeating yourself.

Some information was shared by Billy Blanks nutritionist Sara Ryba, RD, CDN.

Krista Johnson is the owner of Fit By Faith Fitness Center which was established in October of 2006. She is the mother of 4 children ages 18, 13, 10 and 6 and has a passion for helping others get in shape from the inside out. Krista is a walking testimony having lost over 100lbs and has successfully kept it off . During her weight loss, she had a vision of creating Fit By Faith. She believed she was to change the atmosphere of the gym and create a different environment for people to work out in. Krista is a former High School Theater Arts teacher and is currently attending college to obtain her B.A in Sports Medicine. She holds certifications as Personal Trainer with the International Sports Science Association Tae Bo® fitness instructor (Certified by the creator Billy Blanks) Group Fitness Instructor for Adults, Children and Seniors SilverSneakers® Muscle Strength & Range of Motion for Seniors Black Belt 1st Dan in the art of Tae Bo Kwon. She  maintains her certifications annually through continuing education classes and training camps and requires all her instructors at Fit By Faith to do the same.  She also competes in races and other competitions regularly. Krista has appeared in 3 Tae Bo® infomercials on national TV Shape, Collage Video, Looking Good Now and Christian Living Magazines Several times in the Brownwood Bulletin Newspaper. She has also been featured on several websites such as The Fitness Zone, The Biggest Loser, ivillage as well as the Billy Blanks Website. Krista has been a motivational speaker at many churches and radio stations. Krista and her husband John, who is co-owner of Fit By Faith, both have hearts to help others to feel good, to be healthy and strive everyday to serve more people in this manner.