AgriLifeExtensionEven though we are busy in the field harvesting corn this week, we will take a break from running the combine and grain cart to wean calves on Saturday. Of course, rain is in the forecast for the latter part of the week, and snow is expected this weekend, but the calves are big, and corn stalks are waiting to be grazed. So, as they say in Hollywood, the show must go on.

As we prepare for weaning day, I thought I would compile 10 ways to have a stress-free weaning. Feel free to add to the list in the comments section below.

1. Take inventory of your stock.

There’s nothing worse than rounding up the pairs and bringing them home, only to find there is a calf or two missing. Santa isn’t the only one who should make a list and check it twice. Make sure all your calves and cows are accounted for before moving them too far down the road.

2. Line up enough help.

In a perfect world, all you should need is your dog, your horse and your wife (or husband) to help work cattle, but for big working days, this isn’t always the case. Being shorthanded can result in accidents or overworked help. It’s better to have too much help than not enough. Plus, the more the merrier really rings true when you have family, friends and neighbors on board to visit with while you work.

3. Follow vaccination protocols.

Do you have your cooler of ice ready to hold your vaccines? Do you have all doses you’ll need? Have you read the label to double-check that protocols haven’t changed since the last time you used the vaccines? Follow protocols as prescribed to get the most out of the medicines used.

4. Take note of poor disposition.

As you’re working calves through the chute to get weaning weights, administer shots and possibly castrate or dehorn, pay attention to disposition. While it’s understandable for a calf to be a little worked up on its first visit through a chute, notice the ones that jump and bang against the paneling. Mark down the ones that race out of the chute at lightning speed. These observations should go into your considerations when choosing replacement heifers. Perhaps the wild, high-headed heifer shouldn’t stick around.

5. Acclimate the calves to people.

Hopefully, you spent the summer riding through your pastures and checking calves or filling creep feeders, so your cattle are used to seeing people. If you haven’t, now is the time to gently introduce your presence to the stock. Walk quietly through the pens. Don’t holler, use the hot shot, or scare them in any way. You want them to feel comfortable and safe in the lot — not looking for a low spot in the fence to jump over.

6. Keep the crew happy.

Weaning can be a long day, especially if you add vaccination, dehorning, weighing, and castration to the mix, as we do. It’s important to keep your crew happy and taken care of throughout the day. Have plenty of hot coffee and cold pop on hand. Make sure you take a decent lunch break for a pot of hot chili or beef stew. Keep your crew hydrated, and have a treat or two on hand. The happier your help, the more productive everyone will be.

7. Consider fence-line weaning.

Maybe it’s because our fences in the pasture are subpar, or maybe it’s because we’ve always weaned calves the same way, but we’ve never tried fence-line weaning. However, from what I’ve read and from conversations with other ranchers, it is one of the least stressful ways to wean calves.

8. Keep the dust down.

A lot of guys sell their calves right off the cow, so they don’t have to deal with bunk-breaking and fall vaccinations, but it’s been shown that having a calf that knows how to eat, drink and is comfortable in a feedlot adds value to the calf when it comes time to market the animal. We typically precondition our calves for a month or two before selling them, so they are over the stress of weaning, and all vaccinations, castration and other fall work is well behind. One of the immediate challenges of having calves in a lot right after weaning is dust. With rain in the forecast this week, it probably won’t be an issue for us, but if you’re in a dry year, keep the dust down in the lots by spraying water periodically. Dust makes for calves with runny noses and a cough. Less dust means you’ll have healthier calves.

9. Be mindful of sudden noises.

For the first week, newly weaned calves in a lot can be skittish. Once the bawling dies down, the quiet of the farm yard can be filled with unexpected and never-before-heard noises. A dog barks. A cat hisses. A door slams shut. These little noises can set off a group of even the tamest calves. Be mindful of these noises as calves get used to their new environment. Work quietly around the cattle. The last thing you need is calves to get scared and blow through a fence.

10. Introduce feed right away to the weaned calves.

Take note of the calves that go straight from their mom to belly up at the feeder. These calves are taking the stress of weaning well. More than likely, they have a good disposition. If they are eating, they are less likely to be the ones losing strength and getting sick. Offer grain right away to help comfort and ease the transition.